SAMBA and iMAGS Collaborative Meeting 2013


Puntsa Arenas skyline. Wikipedia Commons photo.

The second SAMBA meeting was held in Punta Arenas, Chile, Nov 3-5, 2013. The meeting was held at the Institute Antartico Chileno (INACH) building and was supported by the National Science Foundation. The meeting brought together a group of many Chilean and US scientists that have been involved with the SAMBA project, in addition to some new young scientists, students and postdocs, from both countries that are starting their research within the project. Lunch at the conferenceThe meeting reviewed the past 5 years of the project along with the future direction of the project that is included in the proposed iMAGS project. It was an extremely successful meeting that strengthened the ties between the US and Chilean scientists. (Scroll down for presentation slides in .pdf format.)


Dinner at the conferenceWe thank NSF for supporting this meeting, INACH for a great job at hosting us and their logistic support of two SAMBA stations, and all the Chilean institutions that are hosting and supporting SAMBA magnetometers: Universidad de Santiago, Universidad de la Serena, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de los Lagos, and Universidad de Magallanes.


SAMBA/iMAGs consists of ground-arrays of magnetometers and GPS receivers from the equator to the polar regions in the American and African Sector, and the two networks are therefore ideally suited for longitudinal and hemispheric studies of ULF waves and MI coupling. Apart from providing world class data, the SAMBA project has been instrumental in facilitating intellectual collaboration between US scientists and their Chilean counterparts.

Organizing Committee:

Eftyhia Zesta, PI

Marina Stepanova, Project Manager in Chile

Endawoke Yizengaw, PI of AMBER chain

Mark Moldwin, PI of MEASURE chain


Slide Presentations:

About Geomagnetism, Cosmic Rays, Tectonic plates and Earthquake research in the South Pacific Region coast of Chile (.pdf), E. G. Cordaro1, D. Galvéz1, D. Laroze21Observatorios de RadiaciónCósmica, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 487-3, Santiago, Chile. 2Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, Casilla 7D, Arica, Chile.

Differences in Substorm Onset Times at Conjugate Stations: Preliminary Report.(.pdf)  James M. Weygand, Tung-Shin Hsu, IGPP-ESS, UCLA, and Eftyhia Zesta, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.

Is There A Relationship Between Geomagnetic And Seismic Activities?(.pdf) Pablo S. Moya, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.

Magnetometer Arrays of the Future: iMags (.pdf) Mark Moldwin and SAMBA/AMBER/BAS UCLA+, USA

Mechanics of the Magnetospheric System and Effects on the Polar Region. (.pdf) J. Marin1, M. Stepanova2,  P. Vega1, 1Univ. de la Serena,  2Univ. de Santiago de Chile, Chile

The SAMBA Project (.pdf),  Eftyhia Zesta, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.

SAMBA Processing Routines (.pdf), A. Boudouridis, Space Science Institute, USA.

Study Of Spectra Fluctuations Of The Geomagnetic Field Using Data From Themis Satellites And Samba Magnetometers.(.pdf) Victor Pinto, UCLA, USA.

Using Ground Based Observations to Explore the Plasmasphere. (.pdf) A. M. Jorgensen, New Mexico Tech., USA.

What Potential Scientific Problem Can We Address Using SAMBA-AMBER-MEASURE Network? (.pdf) Endawoke Yizengaw, Boston College, USA.